13 June – well executed ride

13 June – well executed ride

Today was a smooth and well executed 60km ride. We hit every town on Kris’s planned route without missing a beat – and making great time. The weather was also wonderfully overcast and cool – very comfortable for cycling.
Jenny’s bicycle was humming along smoothly with its’ new gears.

On leaving Leipzig, the towns we passed through were Plaussig, Portitz, Merkwitz, Gottscheina, Mutschlena, Kupsal, Boyda, Wolkau, Goritz, Krippehna, Noitzsch, Wellaune, and Bad Duban.

The distance between each town was around 2 to 3km, on rural country roads – mostly alongside wheat and vegetable fields. These included a strawberry field at one point – you could even smell them from the road.

Country road alongside vegetable field

We stopped at Bad Duben, to pick up some maps at the tourist info and meander around a bit. There is an old watermill, a small castle, a little lake and a windmill.

Bad Duben Watermill

Bad Duben spa gardens

Bad Duben windmill

We had some slower forest paths just before and after Bad Duben.

Bike path through forest just before Bad Duben- the little pine cones are a pain to dodge while you are riding

We made our way through this forest to Sollichau, before finding Bad Schmiedeberg.

Which way to go? Kris navigating through unmarked forest paths

Bad Schmiedeberg is also a spa town, and this is very apparent when you arrive – there are lots of clinics, disability scooters, and people shuffling around with walkers. The main central area next to the big rehab clinic (specialising in orthopedics and gynaecology) is very attractive with ponds and gardens. There is a special water source that is evidently good for kidney stones – we refilled our bottles here just in case.

Spa gardens Bad Schmiedeberg

Filling water bottles at Bad Schmiedeberg

The town was very quiet with hardly anyone about, as was our accommodation. It is pretty overpriced for what we are getting. All in all quite a strange place place to stay.

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